Well, I am so happy to say that our miracle arrived a month early! He is safe and sound, and healthy. We are truly blessed to have him here. He was born 3 and 1/2 weeks early on November 25th, his original due date was December 18. He was 6lbs 5oz, 19 inches long. My labour was very short, a total of 6 hours from when my water broke, but 3 hours from my induction. He was born at 9:55am and came in 2 pushes. I was in so much shock I had no idea what happened as he came so fast. He is here, and has a VERY powerful set of lungs. He eats well now, but lost a lot of weight in the first week, he is slowly gaining it back. He had jaundice, but it went away over the first few days of life. He is our perfect little man.
The bumpy road I took to become a proud mother despite PCOS, Endo, Asherman's syndrome and Recurrent Loss.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Half Way There!!!!

19 weeks!!! We have made it soooo far! I had an ultrasound on July 22 at 18wk 5d. The baby is perfect, so healthy, growing so well, 10 fingers and 10 toes! I am in such disbeliefe that we have made it this far, it seems so surreal. We are slowly getting prepared, we have a crib and some clothes so far, but thats it. I am going to wait until my babyshower in October before I start buying more things just incase we get everything we need. All is good in our little life, we are so elated to become parents! Only 20 weeks left, and concidering how fast these last 19 weeks went I am sure it will just fly by.
Friday, 13 June 2008
13 weeks

I had my Nuchal Translucency scan on Wednesday, June 11th, which was also my 3 yr wedding anniversary. We could not have had better results! The baby is absolutly perfect, the heart beat was 163 beats per minute, it had all the proper structurs and weighed 3 oz so far! I am really excited about the results, they said that the pregnancy should be fine. The only issues are non-related to the baby. I have a low lying placenta, but that is from having a tilted uterus that corrected itself, and it will lift up over time, and I have a SubChronic Hematoma which is a small blood clot beneth the placenta, but should resolve itself in the next few weeks. It is possibly cause from me being so sick and having to cough a lot. As for being sick, I have been for 4 weeks now, but i think it is mostly environmental, it is allergy season, and it finally has stopped raining here.
Monday, 2 June 2008
11 weeks strong!

11 week bump! How exciting is that to say?! I have waited so long to get to this point, and everything is going A-OK! We had a little ultrasound at 10 weeks 5 days and found out that the baby is developing perfectly, there is an imbelical cord, which means i have developed a placenta, and that it is no longer a gestational sac, and we watched the heart actually beat, it wasn't a little flash, it was an actual beat, with all 4 valves intact! I am really excited. I am 11 weeks and 4 days, nearly 12 weeks. I have another ultrasound, a Nuchal scan, on June 11th, which is only 9 days from now, so if i get pictures or what not, I will post again.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
11th times a charm??

So, as you can see, i found out that I am pregnant on April 11th. It took me a week to see the doctor because i was doing the wait and see approach, I only lasted a week before i saw him and he confirmed that I am pregnant again. My HCG level was at 3031, which apparently is quite high for 19dpo. I hate to get excited, but can't help it, everytime i have a little pain i hold my breath. I will keep you all updated on how things are going, as of today I am 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I have all the typical symptoms, and they get stronger everyday. Wish me luck, i think i might need it :).
Thursday, 28 February 2008
New Start
I am ready again. I finished off my last pill on February 19th. Which means that I begin a new cycle. A fresh cycle. We went to our last break appointment on Feb 27th, where we found out that there is nothing really stopping us from TTC again. There are no chromesomal problems, and no defect, DH was cleared as a carrier for Angelmans, and that leaves us to where we are now. The RFC won't see us because I can get pregnant, and don't need assistance, and there is nothing basically wrong with me, other then the PCOS. But there are millions of women out there that have PCOS and babies. We chalked it up to keep on trying and never stop until it happens. Our doctor told us that this month is the best one to try since we are just comming off the pill, that my eggs will be rearing to go. Wish us luck, ill keep you all updated.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Life is so amazing

I wanted to share that I got to watch a child be brought to this world. My best friend of ten years let me be involved in the birth of her new baby girl! Alexis was born on January 24th, 2008 @ 10:31pm. Her mother Meloney was induced after 39 weeks due to Alexis not gaining anymore weight. The experience was amazing. Meloney was induced with Oxytocin at about 8:00pm, and the contractions started to go one on top of the other by 9:30pm. After holding her hand for an hour she screamed "the baby is comming!!!" The doctor came in, rolled Mel on to her back, and wham! this precious tiny baby was born. She was born at 5lbs and 1/4oz. So tiny, but so very much alive. Thank you Meloney for letting me be apart of such an amazing event.
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