I had my Nuchal Translucency scan on Wednesday, June 11th, which was also my 3 yr wedding anniversary. We could not have had better results! The baby is absolutly perfect, the heart beat was 163 beats per minute, it had all the proper structurs and weighed 3 oz so far! I am really excited about the results, they said that the pregnancy should be fine. The only issues are non-related to the baby. I have a low lying placenta, but that is from having a tilted uterus that corrected itself, and it will lift up over time, and I have a SubChronic Hematoma which is a small blood clot beneth the placenta, but should resolve itself in the next few weeks. It is possibly cause from me being so sick and having to cough a lot. As for being sick, I have been for 4 weeks now, but i think it is mostly environmental, it is allergy season, and it finally has stopped raining here.