Isaac is almost 7 months! 6 days from now. He seems to be doing really well, at his last doctors visit I was told he was ahead of the game, which is so good to hear. He isn't crawling, but he has started rolling around the whole house, he JUST started lifting his bum in a crawling position, so soon enough. He has discovered that he has individual fingers and constantly watches them, he scrapes along the carpet with his fingers to grab toys. He sits up now unassisted too. We had a bout of baby measles, hes best friend had them and as they share everything, of course they will share illnesses too. They didn't last very long though, he was sick to begin with and only has the rash for 2 days, during his illness he got his first tooth, which I found completely baffeling, as he didnt drool or complain about his mouth once, but I assume he had other things on his mind. He is still sick now, with a sinus thing, and a pretty cruel diaper rash as he is teething the other bottom tooth.
So, I have been thinking about TTC # 2... Am I nuts? On the surface I think it would be so easy to have another baby, but when I dig down I remember.... It took me 4 years to have Isaac, it took 100lb weight loss,many tests, much hell and a horrible pregnancy to get him here. I have gained over half the weight I lost, so i would have to lose that again, I refuse to be that heavy, as my health is already suffering. Last month I though I might be pregnant, I was late and had the feelings, but they say when you spend a lot of time with someone your cycles coincide...well my friend was pregnant and miscarried, which brought back a whole schwack of other memories! Well, i think i will keep my options open, but will keep it on the back burner for now, DH and I have given it 2 years before we start ttc again, and hopefully we can wait that long.