Well it looks like the road to conceive again will be a hard one, again. My cycles have become so infrequent and erratic that I still have no idea if I ovulated or not. I really didn't want to conceive with Doctor intervention. Next month I will be taking my temperature everyday. The husband went back to his old job, so we are spending more time together, more then I would like actually, but what am I going to do, ha ha. He has been off for two weeks because of the rain we have been getting, but today he went back to work. Which on one hand has been a great thing, but one the other had horrible because I threw my back out about 5 days ago, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. We were going through boxes in our storage room trying to get a little bit of spring cleaning done, and I must have picked them up wrong, I severely bruised my Trapizius muscle (the V shaped muscle between your shoulder blades) and was put on some muscle relaxants and Tylenol # 3s. I haven't been able to take anything today because I don't want to be a bad parent and fall asleep while watching the baby, but I did manage to get him to have a 3.5 hour nap today, which was also a 3.5 hour nap for me.
We are going to be moving soon. We found a great rental rate on an apartment suite we used to live in. Its a great size, family oriented, and in the area that we wanted Isaac to go to school in. The rental rate is also a nice dramatic change, we will be saving about $300+ dollars a month. The only downfall is we won't really but close to anything, where we are now I can walk to the train, the mall, the walmart, but there the closest thing is a 7-11, and I have to take the bus anywhere. But our doctor is right there in the same place as the 7-11.
Isaac is talking a lot more, he is 17 months old now, and seems to know what cause and effect are, its funny because I know people who know less about common sense then he does. He is so intelligent.
That's all for right now. :)