It is finally nice here! We have had non stop rain and/or snow here all year, but just over the weekend it started to get warmer! We took Isaac to the splash park for the first time, he had a blast! Got himself soaked. I had so much fun too. I did wake up to thunder and lightning at about 4am, but its gone now.
My mother has been here since June 8th, she went home today but may be comming back in August. It has been nice having her here, definatly spoiled me! Some one who did the dishes, cleaned up after the baby, bought dinners and lunches, haha. I enjoyed having her company, after 11 years it was quite nice to have our visit. It was sad to say good bye, Isaac has become very attatched to her too. I hope things work out for her though.
Back to the trying to concieve road again. I am not ovulating, at all. With my PCOS before Isaac, I had always ovulated at least 90% of the time, but since I have been off the pill I have not had one temperature spike through out my cycles, and no positive ovulation tests either. I really don`t want to go through the fertility clinic again, that was so stressful. I think we will probably be going the clomid route in August. But, if that doesnt work by December, I will be looking at the option of a hysterectomy. PCOS has never really bothered me, but laitly I have been going through menopausal issues, and if I go through pary-meno, I will just get the hysterectomy. Alas. .. Other then ttc, life is good. Summer is here.