My dear boy has managed to get himself so sick. My biggest fear when he was an infant was RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus )because he was a late term preemie, and it can cause severe lung damage in infants, but since he is almost two, I really was not worried about it anymore. About a week ago he couldn't sleep because he was coughing so bad. He was wheezing so bad, and was so listless, so we took him to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed him with an ear infection in both ears, but didn't hear a wheeze, possibly because he was freaking out so bad about the stethoscope. Well, he was put on a 7 day course of anti-biotics, and it seemed to help, however, this past Wednesday and early morning Thursday (the 22nd and 23rd) he could not sleep again because of this awful cough. Him and I were sitting on the floor preparing ourselves for bed time, when he looked at me, turned green and vomited all over me. This was the first time he had EVER puked since he was a baby and was spitting up, so I was immediately concrned. I cried like a baby due to my anxiety, covered in vomit and my baby is feeling crappy. Chris and I, after the whole early morning of coughing decided that if he puked again we were taking him to the hospital. 3 projectile sessions later, we were off to the hospital. His initial stats were
Oxygen Saturation levels 82% ( 93-95 are where he should be) and his heart rate was 180 beat per min. We were rushed in right-a-way. Put on oxygen, had Ventolin treatments, some epinephrine to open his lungs and we were admitted into the pediatric ward because he needed to be on oxygen and in isolation, in case he was immuno-compromised or contagious. Turns out, after much deliberation, he has RSV. with probable asthma. We spent a total of 32 hrs in the hospital, and 15 of those were on oxygen. He was on 5 puffs of Ventolin every 1/2 hr, then every hour and is now down to 2 puffs every 5hrs, oral steroids and a bronciodiolator. He is doing so much better and is improving hourly. We have had 2 good sleeps at home now.
As for being Super mom. I had to go at this alone, not because of anything bad, but Chris had to go back to work for the first time in 3 weeks, and we need the money, so I stayed in the hospital. I have really bad anxiety especially in hospitals, but I put on my big girl panties, and my special mom hat and did what I had to do to be calm for my baby. I am vainly proud of myself. We both survived. And I hope to Jesus that we never have to go back there again. It was a reasonable experience, no complaints there, but still. He was such a strong little man, so aware and so easy going towards everyone, knowing we were there so he would feel better. On to healing. Thanks for reading :).