Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Good News

I had my OB follow up today. Everything is great, I have gone 4 days without a contraction or a fever. I still have pain but the doctor said it is likely just an irritated uterus, since nothing has happened because of it. The baby had an awesome heartbeat and the doctor thinks we are making great progress and doing everything we humanly can to be sure this continues. Although she did say it isn't time to brag yet, that we have to make it past the last hurdle (17 weeks). I felt content that she didn't seem concerned with anything, she told me that a lot of the issues I am having are normal for what I have been through. I have not gained any weight, and lost 1 lbs, which is ok. My BP is the lowest it has ever been since seeing her, which I find interesting, as if stress makes my bp go down. I also listed a few concerns about swelling and bp issues to her and she said that I will be seeing her so often that anything that comes up we will be able to deal with. Shes right about that, I am seeing her every 2 weeks this month, the 4th for follow-up and the 18th for ultrasound results. I have my gender scan/Anatomy scan at 18 weeks 3 days, January 16th. Both Chris and I are really excited about it, we are torn with both, yet could care less what it is. We want a girl for the natural reasons of having a boy and a girl, and for the fact that the infertility clinic back in 2007 told me it wasn't likely I could carry girls (they also said I would never carry a baby to term and Isaac is living proof of the opposite). And we want a boy because we have everything for a boy already and recently had a nephew, but at the same time, I have a good friend having a baby girl in January, so it works out either way. I am just truly happy to make it either way so I honestly have no preference.

Christmas was good, Isaac was spoiled, we spent the day at my dads with my brother and his wife and my step-moms brother and wife, it was nice to have adult conversation.

Thats it for now, I may update before then, but will likely not update until January 16th.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

So scared

Last night I got out of the hospital after a 36 hour stay. The entire situation was horrible, especially feeling like I was reliving this all over again.
I all started with a pain on my right side, right where the baby like to hang out, I thought the baby may have been in a bad place. I moved my tummy, changed positions, drank a whole bunch of water. The pain wouldn't move. Then I started to get pressure in my stomach. I thought I would wait it out, try and go to the washroom, have a little sleep. I woke up at 5am freaking out, it was starting to get worse. But again, I waited it out. Sat up in the bed. By 7:30am I had go through so many scenarios in my head I had to wake Chris up and we had to go to the hospital, even if it was just to ease my mind.
We got to the hospital about 10 mins later. It was so dead there, I had never seen it like that, we only waited 45 mins before I was in, and I saw a doctor right away, which is very rare. I explained my history to the doctor and he was very concerned, they checked my bp, it was 163/97. I had an informal ultrasound but they couldn't see my cervix, which was the doctors main concern. Then I had a pelvic exam which showed the cerclage in a good place, holding, looking sturdy and doing its job. The nurses gave me some Tylenol 3`s and I waited for an ultrasound, which luckily only took 4 hours. The technician was very nice, very thorough and good. My cervix had lengthened to 3cm, which is a good pregnancy length, the baby was fantastic and healthy, there was no inflammation, the only indication that there was an issue, was fluid at the tip of my cervix, which can cause pain or irritation causing contractions. The doctor was still worried and consulted with the Obstetrician on-call, who happened to be my old OB who delivered Isaac. He was concerned too, he was talking cervical amputation cause by the contractions, blah blah blah, then he said they were going to admit me to observe me for 24 hours.
We concluded that the pains were minor contractions caused by irritation to the uterus, big oh no, especially since it was only a week after my cerclage placement. If my uterus was infected they would have to take the cerclage out, and abort the baby...
Then I spiked a fever.... Flashing before my eyes, rerunning this past June over and over again.
They got me to the room in the post surgical ward, which is where I was with Alexander too, 4 rooms down from where I gave birth. I had a roomie, which I had never had before, she was really awesome, an old (not really) pro at being in the hospital.
They started me on Erythromycin.....which 10 mins later I blew my IV and broke into hives all up and down my arm. I had to have benadryl, lol. I am already allergic to 2 families of anti-biotic, and now a third. However they started me on Clindamyacin, and it seemed to be ok and not give me hives. I blew my IV ten times while I was there.
They also gave me an anti-inflammatory and an anti-contraction meds. 18 hours later the contractions stopped. Second ultrasound showed everything was still ok. But I spiked a fever at 3am... More meds and some more observation. But after 14 hours of no more fevers, clean white cell count and no contractions, I was finally sent home so I could spend Christmas with my family. I was given strict rules to rest, to check for fever every 4 hours and if I had the slightest inclination of being Ill, or my contractions come back, or if I bled, I had to come in ASAP. We aren't out of the woods yet, we are still waiting and seeing if I get better or worse, so far so good though. My follow-up is with Dr.I on the 28th. Pray for us, and wish us luck.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Cervical Cerclage

Well, Tuesday December 12th was the big day of my Cevical Cerclage. Something I was not looking forward to this pregnancy at all, but knew it had to be done.
I was booked to be at the hospital for 11:55am, was not allowed to eat or drink anything past midnight that day, so nearly 12 hours, and being pregnant, I was STARVING! But I managed to keep my cool. Everyone was very nice and polite. When we were at triage, the lady at the counter said they were expecting me, said hi to Isaac. Everyone was in the Christmas spirit. We got to the Day surgery ward, and again, everyone was very polite. The nurse I had was very gental, she did my IV lickity split, and it only hurt for a few seconds. The wait was short. I was wheeled over to the OR holdingroom, without my glasses, that was awkward, lol. Met with the Resident doctor, he was very nice, he explained everything to me, made sure I was very comfortable. Was sure to tell me the anesthesia was my choice, told me he would run me with antibiotics after the procedure and would do an ultrasound afterwards, it was so nice. Then I met the Anaesthesiologist, he was a nice man, he was very adamant on doing the spinal epidural, but I was not ready for that, I was so anxious, so he agreed the General was best. I met the Doctor, after finding out my OB was sick and could not do it, but it was her partner Dr.C who did it, and he was very nice as well.
We got into the OR, I told them I was very scared. Dr.C actually held my hand, they got me moved onto the bed, then they told me to tip my neck back and take deep breaths of the oxygen (lol oxygen) they had on my face. I had a bit of a panic attack but kept telling myself I'd be out really soon and remember saying, oop, there we go. After the procedure, they pulled the tube up out of my throat and I puked while they did it and I couldn't stop coughing. I got to recovery and had a bad bad pain right in the centre of my pubic area. Once I was awake enough, they gave me Tylenol. The Resident Doctor came back and talked to me, did a quick ultrasound, showing the baby lying sideways its head to my belly, feet to my back, and it was jumping like crazy, so it defiantly tolerated the anaesthesia well. He also told me that my cervix was almost gone, and had they not done the cerclage today, we would have defiantly had a repeat of last time. Luckily its all good.

I felt great afterward, except that I could feel the knot in my cervix, and it was a little sore. I barely had any bleeding whatsoever. I was able to go home by 7pm. Once home I noticed my muscles hurt like crazy. I was in so much pain in my muscles I could not sleep and didnt get to sleep until 4:30am just from pure exhaustion.
The next few days had been hard, needed help to get in the shower, to use the washroom, I can't bend or get up, some of it due to the cerclage, some due to the muscle pain in my ribs and arms. I am doing well though, ventured out for the first time since but had a little bit of bleeding when I got home, so back to lying flat. Baby is fine, been feeling it move a lot. Anyhow, thats that. We have the follow-up on Dec 28th.

14weeks today.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Wow Baby, Nuchal scan.

So, we had our 12 week ultrasound and Nuchal scan on December 7th, then an Obsetrician appointment today, December 8th. Lets start with the Nuchal Scan.
My results we beyond amazing at the ultrasound, the baby is 100% healthy and has no indicators for any trisomy issues at all. My risks are actually lower then they were when I was pregnant with Isaac, so amazing! Everything is going magically.

baby had a heartbeat of 153bpm, was 6.2cm long. it has my nose, as all my birthed children do. So amazing to see life like that, that only a few weeks ago he was a little blob on the screen.

More News
I had my obstetrician appointment today, and I got my cerclage date. December 13th, as in this Tuesday! I am in shock and so grateful that my husbands work has been so flexible with all of this. He needs to take 5 days off so I can go on bedrest, and he has been to every single appointment with me. I am incredibly nervous.
For those who don't know, a cervical cerclage is a stitch that hold your cervix together to stop the cervix from opening and the baby essentially falling out of you mid-pregnancy, which is kind of what happened with Alexander. They usually do it later in the second trimester, between 16-19 weeks, but since my loss was at 16/17 weeks and I am already having a teeny bit of funnelling, its time to do it now, rather then later. My wonderful OB will be doing it for me in a OR setting. I will be getting a spinal anaesthetic or general, depending on my blood pressure and my anxiety levels, and have to spend the night in the hospital. I will then be on strict rest for 3 days and on rest for 2 more days afterwards.

Something else we discovered today. I have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension 150/100!!. I have to get a blood pressure monitor and check my bp daily, as well as go on medication for the rest of my pregnancy and possibly beyond. I am not overly concerned, I think it has a lot to do with worry and anxiety over the whole pregnancy. My mind can only block so much I guess.

Isaac is good and as sweet as ever. At the OB's today he was being a bit of a nussense, the doctor gave him something to distract him, and this distraction?? A pap smear stick, the flattish plastic thing they use to do the smear with. He called it his "Magic key"....LOL. I laughed so hard after we left, his magic key.

Anyhow, over and over again, we are so blessed to be having such an amazing pregnancy. I could not thank God enough right now. Its nice to finally be getting a hand up rather then being kicked down.

In other things.
Prayers to Michelle Duggar and family (19 kids and counting) for her recent loss of her child inutero in the 2nd trimester.
And Prayers to my husbands friend Noah, who was recently diagnosed with cancer and is essentially fighting for his life.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Odd Baby

This baby is in such a weird spot. I am not used to having a baby up so high and so forward. I have been showing since last week, about Thursday. I can feel the lump right at my pubis. Its so weird. I am getting round ligiment pain, my sides hurt so bad like I've been working out or got tickeled to death. And I can't lie on my stomach or the side of my stomach anymore, I get this odd ache in my belly sides or i feel like I am lying on a baseball. I have my Nuchal Translucency scan on Wednesday, the 7th. Will get pictures and update then.