Wow, so much going on lately, its unreal. My husband started a new job this week, and it has been incredibly difficult on all of us, I am so use to him doing the bedtime routine for Isaac, and so was Isaac, that the transition has been incredibly difficult on Isaac and I. He is getting used to it, but its still challenging. It is also lonely eating dinner alone. As it was the only meal my husband and I ever really ate together.
I went off my post part um medication this past week too, and I never realised that I could be addicted to a legal substance. The withdrawls have not helped with the transitions this week, however, my moods have stabilized somewhat. I know that in time things will return to normal, but its a drastic change for all of us right now, and I really hate change.
I was on the road to wanting to have another baby, but have since changed my mind. If we are blessed enough to have another baby, then I am all for having another baby, but as for trying, medicating myself, going through emotional hell... It really isn't healthy for anyone, and Isaac is very much the baby in the family, that I would like to give him the chance to be.
I have started this herbal medicine kick lately. I am really against medications that cause such problems like Anti-depressants, that I think herbal is the way to go. With Isaac being so young too, there really is no option when he is sick, and he tends to get sick quite often. I don't mean for everything though, obviously if he were sick enough to need anti-biotics I would never deny him that, but for things like cold relief of teething pains, etc, herbal is the way to go.
Isaac has turned into a mighty firecracker. He chats non stop, has a very large vocabulary, and is starting to put words together, like "no done" for not done, and things of the same. He is 31.5 inches tall. He thinks that anything he puts up to his ear is a phone, even a piece of paper. He is starting to walk alone, meaning that we can actually take him to the mall and not worry that he is going to run away. Although I still bring the stroller just-in-case. And he has used the potty a few times. We aren't quite serious on the potty training frontier yet, but we have introduced it to him, and he has gone a few times, making me very proud.
That is about all right now, it has been a while since an update. I hope it finds you well.
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