Monday, 9 August 2010

And now for something completely different

Yesterday was my husband's birthday. He decided he wanted to take our son to see his work site. He is a heavy equiptment operator and drives a gigantic earthmover. They are currently building a new community in the North West of the city. I have been to his job sites before, but have never really cared much for it. Yesterday I really appreciated it. I am not sure why, but I think it was because it was a nice escape. I know this city inside and out, and there is rarely a place I have never been, but here it was, this beautiful place, out in the middle of knowwhere, you could see rolling hills, wheat fields, mountains... It was beautiful! And Isaac really enjoyed himself. We let him run a round a little and play in the dirt. My husband showed me a different terrains in the rock beds, a natural spring pouring from the side of the hill, that the beautiful red rock that caught my attention was actually a lump of clay, that the rocks were smooth, made from soap stone... It was as if I actually had a chance to relax and enjoy myself for once. It was beautiful, and I regret I didnt have a camera when I experienced it.

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