Tuesday, 7 December 2010

TTC in The future?

So, we have hit an impass in the TTC world. Things with my body seem to be messed right up and I am not doing what I wish I could be, and that my friends is Ovulate. My body has completely stopped producing eggs. I am also suffering from the period from hell. I have been on it for what seems like forever. I had 11 days off while I was on 2 weeks of Prometrium (progesterone) to get it to stop, but just after I finished taking it, it came right back again. Hubby and I need to discuss somethings about the future of our family, as it looks like we may never have any more children. The "H" word (Hystorectomy) was thrown around in the doctors office today, or Ablasion, which is still difficult to hear, either way pregnancy is impossible. We are investigating the possibility of endometriosis on top of my PCOS. The doctor has put me on Seasonale birthcontrol, thats the kind that you take for 3 months in a row, so that we can stop the bleeding for a while and let my uterus rest, which seems to be the best, then we are going to visit the ideas again after 6 months or so. I really don't want to have to take another invasive approach to have a baby, so I think we will take it day by day. I am blessed to have Isaac, and if that is all that God will give me, then I remain truly blessed and will be happy with that.
We are moving (Thank gooooooodness) I am so happy to be getting out of here. I can not tell you how much I hate living in this neighbourhood, in this crappy expensive apartment. We found something much cheaper in a better neighbourhood closer to those we are closest to, much better. Have been doing a lot of cleaning and a lot of packing. There is 4 years worth of nastyness in this apartment, and the place we are moving to has no storage, but the upside of it, it is a house, and will be so much better for Isaac's asthma and allergies then this apartment.
Anyhow, thats it, thats all. I will update about the ttc stuff at a later date.

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