Oh my goodness. I have never been in so much pain in my life. On Wednesday night, I ate Spagetti and cheese, a handful of regular lays chips, and at 11pm, I felt like I was dying. I kept having to burp, but couldnt. I had this horrible pain just under my ribcage on my right side, and right through to my back. I did not sleep a wink that night, and vomited for 3 hours straight. I finally woke Chris up at 7 to take me to the hospital, but he made it a point that the doctor opened at 9am, and since the ER has been a waiting disaster, waiting to see the DR might be faster. I got an appointment at 11:45, by this time the pain had subsided quite a bit. My doctor poked and proded me, made me cry, did this did that, asked athousand questions, then told me it was likely my Gallbladder. He called it Cholecystitis, basically gallstones in my inflamed gallbladder. I am the right age and the right weight for it to happen. He ran a lot of bloodtests and I have an ultrasound on Monday, but I have to wait for results and such before I know for sure. But I am pretty sure. He gave me some Tylenol #3 and gravol, and the combination of the two make me warm and fuzzy inside. I slept finally, for 14 hours, that was nice after not being able to at all, and I am on a diet of the plain and bland. After not eatting for a whole day my stomach was flat for the first time in years, lol. I cannot eat anything with highfat, or even moderate fat, I have to eat salads and drink fluids. Its good, a good kickstart to a healthier new year.
Anyhow, thats all so far. The pain is still there, but not as predominant as it was before, just a dull ache now. I am feeling somewhat better, but not really.
More to come when I find out more.
I have experienced the same thing several times since the birth of my daughter in Aug(am still getting to the "better end" of one tonight that ruined most of my day). I have an appt on Monday, finally googled the symptoms (which is how I found your blog, actually) tonight and I think it's the gallbladder. Darn thing...
I hope you can get it looked after ASAP. it is not something you want to go through over and over again. Apparently it is quite common to get it either during pregnancy of just after. Best of luck.
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