Well, lets start with the good news first. I had an ultrasound today to check on the baby from having some heavy bleeding a few weeks ago. I discovered that there is a cute little baby human in there, measuring 11wks and 4 days. So cute, so special. Its heartbeat is in the 170's still and things look healthy as far as the baby is concerned. However... There is a clot, a big one, on top of the placenta. This could potentially cause a miscarriage by placenta abrupto, when the placenta seperates from the wall of the uterus. I have an ultrasound in July to check on it. Nothing can be done. I am assuming its from the moron "resident" doctor that tugged harder then hell on my cord after Isaac was born and left a huge chunck of placenta inside of me that I had to go to the hospital emerg for a D&C and infection a month later. I am in pain, but I think its psychosymatic, because I was feel fantastic before that. Anyhow, thats my news.
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