Monday, 19 March 2012

Still Can't Catch a Damn Break...

I just cannot believe what this freaking pregnancy has put me through. 27 weeks of hell, being dragged back and forth threw deaths door for both of us. I just don't know what more I can handle.
Today I got a call from the OB. Last Monday, the 12th, I did a glucose screen, which I failed, as most people do. My peak number being 9.9mmol/l or 180mg/dl. So I was sent to do my 3 hour test on Friday. Fast being 4.6mmol/l or 84mg/dl, peak being 11.4mmol/l or 207mg/dl, and fall being 7.6mmol/l or 138mg/dl. I was told I was going to be sent to the diabetes clinic here. I have been pregnant so many times and have never had this issue. I haven't gained any weight in this pregnancy, I have been eating the healthiest I have ever eaten, and I have been watching every step I take. I am so pissed off that I have yet another craptastic ailment to add to the effing chart.

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