I went for my ultrasound at 29 weeks 5 days and they discovered that the baby had kinda fallen on her growth pattern, normally being within the 40th percentile, she dropped down to the 30th, so I have to repeat the ultrasound on April 17th to see if it is truly what is happening, or if it was the technicians error. I am getting bigger, just differently now. She still moves and kicks around, shes been flip flopping breech to posterior nearly twice a day, I like to watch her move, its really neat.
So, I have been having contractions non-stop for about two weeks now, they have no rhyme or reason to them, so obviously braxton hicks, but they have been coming up to 6 an hour. I discussed this with the OB and he said he doesn't really see us making it very far from now, that 32 weeks is our goal, 37 weeks is the ultimate goal, but he doesn't see us making it past 34 weeks. I have already shortened and funneled, and with the contractions, they baby is getting ready to come soon. The bonus is that one more week and we get to deliver at my OBs hospital instead of the level 3 hospital. Basically, if I start bleeding at any time, its time to go in, it means that I am dilating against the cervical stitch and have to get it removed asap. I am really scared and excited that it is getting to that time! less then 6 weeks left ultimately.
Have my babyshower tomorrow, very excited about that, hubby and I have been prepping all day. Its been fun.
Ill update after my next ultrasound, unless I have something more interesting before then.
I've got a quick question for you. Why do they not want you to deliver at a level 3 hospital? What happens if baby does need level 3 support? For us, DS was born at 35w and spent about 5 days in the Level III NICU and then moving up to the II.
Granted, we never got steroid shots, but according to MFM he should have been perfectly fine lung wise.
They were fine with my delivering at a level 3, its just that MY ob is at a level 2 hospital and she really wants to be the one who delivers me, as we have worked on a birth "plan" from the very beginning, but if I needed to, there would be no issue. I was just a goal and milestone to reach, that we didn't have to any more.
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