I am having a hard time calculating where all the time went, how my baby went from bump on a long and barely mobile, to up and runny in such a short amount of time. I feel like we skipped all the hard parts? I mean, there we a lot of hard parts but they were over quickly, where as with Isaac it seemed to drag on forever. I wonder if its because of my own outlook of time, that it goes by faster then it did the first time.
Kayla had her first birthday. We celebrated as a family on her actual birthday. We had her favorite meal, chicken anything, for supper and she opened her presents, no cake though. Then on the following Sunday, we had a big birthday party for her, with cake. She is noramally very quiet and reserved and plays shy, but at her party, she was all over the place, chatting it up with other babies, playing. She didn't even melt down when I slipped into the kitchen to get things ready.
Her one year stats were 17 lbs, 28 inches. She has grown an inch in one month and gained 1.5lbs. She is fitting into some 9 month clothes and even some 12 month clothes.

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