It started February 21st at 4:30pm. We had just finished eating spaghetti, a not so much favorite, but easy meal in my family. I started to get this sharp pain in my tooth at the back of my mouth (next to the bottom left wisdom tooth) This tooth is broken, and has been for the last year, mostly a filling that came out that I ignored. I knew it was a tooth ache, and not one that was going to go away. Within an hour I was wailing, this was the worst pain you could ever imagine, it hurt more then when I broke my collarbone when I was 10, it hurt more then the 36 hour labour I had with my first birth, it was worse then pushing Isaac out. I had never experienced pain this severe in my life. During the time I am wailing and screaming, sweating and shaking, my wonderful husband is calling every dentist in the city to see if I can get an emergency visit in. However, today is Family Day in Alberta, and nothing is open, and if it was, it closed at 4....its 6pm by this point. He finally got a hold of someone, but they were in Edmonton and wouldn't be able to do anything until the next morning.....OMG what am I going to do? This dentist suggested going to the hospital. We went to the ER and withing half an hour I was seen at minor treatment where they gave me a shot of marcaine (stronger then lidocaine) which I was told would last 5 hours and a prescription of Percocets. The pain was still there before that though, but it was much less intense, I could feel my face go numb from jaw to lip, it was such a strange sensation. I popped 2 percosets and went to bed. The freezing wore off at 8 am, I was so lucky to get 12 hours of relief so I could sleep. My dentist doesnt open until 11 though, so I still had to wait. And by the time they called they couldn't see me until 1:30pm anyway, omg, I had had enough!! I popped more percs and slept (thank God for husbands on unemployment who don't mind taking over the house)
I finally get to the dentist, and he instantly freezes it. He doesn't know if he has time to pull it, and I may have to make an appointment for tomorrow. But if I didn't mind waiting he could do it in an hour. Well, I have already waiting this long, another hour is not going to make a difference, and at least I was frozen for the time being.
He gets to me, gives me at least 10 more shots of freezing, and I can still kind of feel it, but its more pressure then anything. The x-ray showed that my root nerves were infected all the way down. And hour later, a lot of pulling and breaking, and the tooth is finally out. I was sent on my way home.
Today is 6 days of excruciating pain, when you are finally just done, can no longer do it, can deal anymore, and I have to go back to the dentist.
And so, I have come and gone to the dentist. My Dentist figures I have pretty bad bacterial infection and prescribed a different antibiotic and more ibuprofen, he told me he actually had to cut the gum open when he pulled it. So we wait and see again if this will do the trick.
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