After a 3 month break on the pill and having my first cycle return a few days later after 5 months of non-stop spotting, and no answers; we finally decided we want to have another baby. I have lost 10lbs, I have a goal of 30lbs, just so we can get my cycles back on track. I had a normal cycle and have been using ovulation test sticks since cycle day 9. I am on cycle day 14 now, and still no significant change in the tests. I know with PCOS I will probably ovulate late, but it is still hard on me to never see it positive. I said that if Isaac ever asked me for a brother or sister then we would go all the way and do the fertility meds and tests etc again, and he asked me for a baby, so I am on the ball, lol. I am using the opks right now just to see if I do ovulate at all, not necessarily to get pregnant, I mean, if it happens it happens, but we want to know if it is even still possible for me to even get pregnant again. I am really scared to miscarry again, after all that we went through to have Isaac I just don't know if my body will let me go through it again, or my mind for that matter.
Things are going well here though, finally feeling like spring. We were living in some kind of snowmageddon there for a while, but I can finally see grass on my front yard. Isaac is doing well, speaking articulately, I can almost understand 90% of what he says now. That's all, just needed to update.
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