Thursday 24 May 2012

NICU Week 4- 3 more weeks to go

It has been pretty uneventful lately. Kayla is doing very well. She was transferred to the PLC hospital, which is a LOT closer, and we are much more used to what goes on here, the nurses, the procedures. Kayla's mass seems to be shrinking, so she is still on antibiotics. The doctor was hopeful that she wouldn't have to be on the antibiotics for the full 6 weeks, but after consulting with the CDC again, they are going to continue them for the full course. I am fine with that, as we were in it for the long haul anyway, but I really do wish she was home. She keeps growing. She is about 5lbs 2oz, and grew 1 cm over night a few days ago, she just feels larger and longer. She is eating really well, up to 80mls a feed now, which is so awesome considering she was barely eating last week. We are pretty stress free right now, as far as Kayla is concerned anyway. 3 more weeks to go.

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