I have had two very cranky kids with nasty summer colds. Isaac got it first, he had the sore throat, nasty cough and snot like you would not believe. He is pretty easy to del with, being 3, and asthmatic, we have dealt with a lot of bad summer colds. Kayla got sick about 3 days after, which was also the day of her 2 month shots, so really, we are unsure if she had vaccine side effects or if she is sick. She isn't eating more then 20-30 mls a feed, but is eating about every hours right now, she keeps falling asleep or just stops because she can't breath. I squirt the saline up her nose and "snork" the snot out with the bulb, then she eats a bit more and passes out. Other then that, she isnt really lethargic or anything, and the pediatrician is pretty happy with her. She gained 300 grams in 2 weeks, she is now 7lbs 7oz and growing out her tiny newborn/preemie clothes, which is awesome. Recently she has started to stay awake more and just calmly stare around. She sleeps well and can fall asleep on her own. She is a very easy going baby. And, her hair is growing back from her little nicu shave.
I still have baby brain, very busy and very tired, so everything that comes out of my finger tips, I am pretty lucky it makes any sense at all. That is our update, hopefully I will have more to say soon.
The bumpy road I took to become a proud mother despite PCOS, Endo, Asherman's syndrome and Recurrent Loss.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Friday, 15 June 2012
Kayla Finally Comes Home
Whoa, it has been quite a long stint of stress, happiness, and questions. Kayla was released from the hospital today after her Neonatologist fought tooth and nail to get her released. The doctors at the Cdc were convinced that her cyst was an abscess and wanted to keep her on antibiotics, but our Neo thinks that since she started getting better so quickly, that there was not infection in the first place and that he was going to continue with the plan we already had, so honestly, I had no idea if she was really going to come home today or not. I had a terrible sleep last night, I was very edgy and had a bad stomach ache from all of the stress I was feeling, but things seemed to go quickly at the hospital and the doctor had everything done by 3pm, so she was released at 3:38pm. We actually didn't leave until about 4:30pm because the nurses wanted to say their good byes and hug and hold her with no IV line in, and her and I also took a little walk around the unit to say good bye. We got pictures done by the staff of all of us together, then we finally left. She seems to be eating every 3 hours, if not a little earlier, you can tell she knows it is different then the hospital. She discovered the TV, and stared intently at it for a good minute, it was cute. Isaac has been begging for attention, which is fine, and trying to help so much. He helped change a diaper, feed, pacify and every time she peeped, he would go check on her and say "Its ok mommy, its ok, shes fine" hehe. Tomorrow is a day for us, for us to stay home and enjoy her. We are attempting to get used to her schedule, and are sleeping in the livingroom tonight so we are close to the kitchen and can still deal with Isaac if need be. (we did the same thing with Isaac his first night home). So far so good. I am so glad to have her home, over the moon.
~ Tomorrow is her due date :D.

~ Tomorrow is her due date :D.
Friday, 8 June 2012
NICU week 6- 1 week to go!
Kayla is doing awesome. Her abscess keeps shrinking, and her liver enzymes are getting lower. She is growing (6lbs now!) and eating a ton. She is on lactose free formula right now, she had a monster butt rash from her antibiotics and the milk which caused the rash not to heal, as soon as they put her on the lactose free, it got better within 24hours. She is awake more now and asleep more now too. I missed a lot of last week due to a sinus infection that just bowled me over. As soon as I got on antibiotics, i started to feel way better. It was heartbreaking not getting to see her.
She gets to come home next week, we are predicting Friday, but possibly Saturday. She has a ton of tests next week to make sure she is ready. I know I am, ha-ha. Thats it, not much else going on. Just a lot of nesting that I didn't get to do prior to her arrival.

She gets to come home next week, we are predicting Friday, but possibly Saturday. She has a ton of tests next week to make sure she is ready. I know I am, ha-ha. Thats it, not much else going on. Just a lot of nesting that I didn't get to do prior to her arrival.

Saturday, 2 June 2012
NICU week 5- 2 to go.
This week has been both good and bad. Great for Kayla, bad for us.
Kayla has just been toting along, shes great. Growing like crazy. She is eating and gaining weight like crazy, she is about 5lbs 8oz now, which is great, and she is eating every 3 hours. She was eating ever 4 hours, but they think she hit a growth spurt. She has grown 2cm as well. Her last ultrasound showed that her hepatic mass has shrunk again, which is great, and her GGT test went from 155 to 121, so she is getting better every day. We are on the count down to bring her home. She is done her medication on the 14th of June and needs to have a blood culture done after that, which takes 48 hours, and once that, and the ultrasound come back good, then she can come home. I am not going to predict when though, because every time I do, something happens, so I am just going with the flow.
We, hubs and I, have been so sick with some nasty sinus infection, that we have not been able to see Kayla going on 4 days now, its awful not seeing her. I am heartbroken every day. I with this infection would just eff off.
That's it that's all.
Kayla has just been toting along, shes great. Growing like crazy. She is eating and gaining weight like crazy, she is about 5lbs 8oz now, which is great, and she is eating every 3 hours. She was eating ever 4 hours, but they think she hit a growth spurt. She has grown 2cm as well. Her last ultrasound showed that her hepatic mass has shrunk again, which is great, and her GGT test went from 155 to 121, so she is getting better every day. We are on the count down to bring her home. She is done her medication on the 14th of June and needs to have a blood culture done after that, which takes 48 hours, and once that, and the ultrasound come back good, then she can come home. I am not going to predict when though, because every time I do, something happens, so I am just going with the flow.
We, hubs and I, have been so sick with some nasty sinus infection, that we have not been able to see Kayla going on 4 days now, its awful not seeing her. I am heartbroken every day. I with this infection would just eff off.
That's it that's all.
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