Friday 8 June 2012

NICU week 6- 1 week to go!

Kayla is doing awesome. Her abscess keeps shrinking, and her liver enzymes are getting lower. She is growing (6lbs now!) and eating a ton. She is on lactose free formula right now, she had a monster butt rash from her antibiotics and the milk which caused the rash not to heal, as soon as they put her on the lactose free, it got better within 24hours. She is awake more now and asleep more now too. I missed a lot of last week due to a sinus infection that just bowled me over. As soon as I got on antibiotics, i started to feel way better. It was heartbreaking not getting to see her.
She gets to come home next week, we are predicting Friday, but possibly Saturday. She has a ton of tests next week to make sure she is ready. I know I am, ha-ha. Thats it, not much else going on. Just a lot of nesting that I didn't get to do prior to her arrival.

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