Sunday, 26 August 2012

4 months old = 2 months, 1 week, 4 days old

23 inches long
Moved from 10th percentile to 25th.

I cannot believe 4 months has passed by so quickly! The days are just flying by.
Kayla has grown out of New born clothing and is now in 0-3. She is in size 1 diapers still.

we had a wonderful 3 week bout of colic, which was actually an allergy to milk. we switched her from Similac sensitive to Similac advance and my goodness, baaaad gas, bad smells and chronic diarrhea, but i never put two and two together until a friend mentioned it, we switched her back and I found my happy baby again.

She was having a hard time sleeping so we invested in a sleep sheep. I figure that since they used a sound machine while she was in the NICU, that it might help, and low and behold we now have a baby who will sleep 5 hours straight. She is still getting up in the middle of the night, but luckily Isaac is sleeping in until 9am, so I can still catch a few hours until the house is up.

Hubby went back to work two weeks ago. It was so difficult the first week, since I just could not put Kayla down without screaming, but the second week wasn't so bad, she is getting used to being put down now, and since she is awake longer now, i can lay her down and let her play under her little mat.

I have noticed i have had to adjust things for her. Her jumperoo, i have to put a yellow pages under her so she can bounce. All of her play gym toys needed an extra link to be down farther so she could pull on them. Teethers, to big for her mouth, so i got her some textured links to chew on. She loves to play now, and make noise. She still grunts and gurgles but there is a oooh and aaaw in there now too.

She has started to teethe, had discovered her hands and feet, collects toe jam daily, grows her nails like weeds, smiles uncontrollably, likes to stand, likes to listen to music....Its like she grew into this incredible human being overnight.

medically, she is still anemic, which is tied into the whole liver mass issue, but shes healthy.

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