Saturday, 29 September 2012

5 months 3 days = 3 months 2 weeks adjusted

I have a hard time believing that 5 months have passed. It certainly does not seem like that much time has gone by. Kayla being so tiny I am sure has a lot to do with it. Its been interesting, hard and easy.

She is reaching awesome milestone, even just over the past week. She has discovered that she has individual fingers instead of just fists. She has attempted to put her soother back in her mouth, since it always falls out, haha. She can grasp toys, randomly point and just today started holding her bottle on her own. She is up to 6 ounces a feed 5 times a day now, weighs 11 lbs 2 oz and is just growing into her 3 month/3-6 month clothes. She also just grew into her first pair of shoes.
She has been pretty sick the last while, she has this nasty upper respiratory illness that luckily has stayed viral, but its been really trying on her breathing. We have also tried and failed solids, not ready yet.

Isaac is finally potty trained. I could jump for joy on that one. He has just been so difficult in the past. A week or so ago he squatted down and peed on the floor right in front of his dad, and that was it. Pull up were taken away (for day time) and we put the potty right in the hallway by the kitchen, and he is using it exclusively during the day.

I am adjusting pretty well to having two kids around. It has not been easy, buy any means. Isaac is very independant, so I was used to having a lot of me time, and being on bedrest my whole pregnancy, I had Hubby home a lot taking care of Isaac. Its going well though. Now, if only I could find time to clean the house...

Anyhow, thats the monthly update.

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