Isaac kept fainting, and I had to put him in a wheel chair. They checked his oxygen levels, and instantly he was wheeled into a room, his O2 level was 72. I have never seen it that low, ever. The ER kept him on oxygen all night, he slept really well after he could breath. I didn't, my big butt and little chairs don't mix well. By the morning, they decided to admit him for his asthma, after they had tried to wean him off the oxygen twice and his O2 kept dropping. It was a lovely stay in a tiny private room in isolation, with a kindergartener who had a good sleep and is on steroids. I was a mess of stress, he was a ball of energy, bouncing from corner to corner... I was pretty difficult. We were in the hospital from Weds night until Sunday morning. He was amazing and fine and I am happy we made it through that.
Meanwhile, my poor husband is at home with an injured back, watching and taking care of Kayla. Apparently they didn't leave the livingroom the entire time.
Asthma is kind of a bitch. I really hate it and what it does to my children. It is absolutely debilitating to Isaac, and he cannot function daily without his matinence meds. The matinence meds make him a little crazy hyper active, stressing me out.... Its been hard.
So far, the last 3 months
Kayla was in the hospital for an upper respiratry infection, I was in the hospital for esophagitis and h.pylori, Isaac had an anaphylactic reaction and ended up in the hospital, Isaac had dental surgery and had to be put under, so we had to go to the hospital for that, Chris got into a bad accident and fractured his L2 vertabrae, then Isaac ends up in the hosp for his asthma. 6 times since the end of August.... Thats more then most in a life time, thank GOD I live in Canada.
So, potty training. Isaac will be 5 in Novemember, and we have struggled with potty training since he was 2. He has been fully day time trained since April, and we were still struggling with night time training. The doctor gave us some tips to stay dry at night, and so far, so good. 3 day in a row now. I hope it lasts so I don't have to buy pull-ups again until Kayla trains.

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