Kayla is now 20 months old. In just 4 short months, she will be 2. It is hard to believe what we have been through to get her here and she is perfectly healthy. She still has her bicuspid aortic valve, but for the time being, she has adjusted to it and doesn't need to see her cardiologist until she is 4 years old. She is rarely sick and is always happy. She is amazing. To watch her grow and thrive and learn, it is such a great experience. She has started to talk more, she copies words and gets her point through now. She is funny, has a great sense of humor.
Isaac is going in to his second semester of Kindergarten tomorrow. He does so well in school. He was recently diagnosed with ADHD and ODD, but it really hasn't been an issue for a few months. He turned 5 as well in November. He is such a bright child, good at math, funny, loves to draw and sing and play. His favorite subject in school is music, and he is learning to read.
The year had been hard but had been good to us. I am so blessed to have these two amazing children.

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