Thursday 22 April 2010

Here we go, 1,2,3.....CONCIEVE!

We are on the road again, trying for baby # 2. Technically we are only at the point of not preventing, but in August we will probably be using clomid to concieve if we have'nt already by then. I think Isaac is ready to be a big brother, you can tell he is so bored during the day if there is no one to play with, and we live in an apartment complex that doesnt cater to kids. In fact we live in the adult building, but we moved during a rental epidemic and had no children when we moved in, but there are other kids here. So, he really likes having other kids around, I am more scared of the division of attention as Isaac is my little miracle. Its not to say that we will even have another baby, but I want to try before I go and get my tubes tied. Thats all thats really new right now.