Tuesday 24 April 2012

All is well

32 and a half weeks now. It feel pretty awesome to be this far along. Still getting daily contractions, new pains and symptoms coming every day. I have been getting bed spins lately, which I think might be an inner ear thing, but I got all kinds of blood work done just in case. My tummy is stretching and hurting a lot, baby is growing and hurting my ligaments. I have sciatica pain, upper back pain, menstrual like cramps, new discharge, pubic pain...you name it, I'm feeling it. Luckily, no more then a spot here or there of blood. The baby is fine, and I haven't gained any weight, and neither has she really, but shes doing well, scoring 10 out of 10 on her biophysical profile. My OB and I discussed that I will be getting the stitch removed in the OR under some kind of sedation, depending on what we want to do, so if we induce, it will be removed with epidural, or if we want to wait and see, she will just use a local, but she wants to do it in the OR because she thinks my water is going to break right away, with how low and ready everything has already been. 4 and a half weeks about, left.

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